English Story

The Reed and the Oak Tree

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☞ 구독하러 가기(클릭)


The Reed and the Oak Tree


A reed and an oak tree were close neighbors. It was a cloudy and windy day. The oak tree was strong enough to fight the wind. But the reed couldn't stand it. The oak tree said to the reed, "Why are you shaking so much?" "Because I'm weaker than you." The oak tree was proud of himself. “You're right. I am sure that I am much stronger than you.” One day, a storm hit the forest. The oak tree tried to stand, but finally lost a part of its trunk. On the other hand, the reed just shook, and didn't break. After the storm was over, the oak tree asked the reed what his secret was. The reed said, "I am certainly weaker than you, but I just make way for the wind and storm."


갈대와 떡갈나무


갈대와 떡갈나무는 친한 이웃이었어요. 그런데 어느 흐린 날 바람이 약간 불고 있었어요. 떡갈나무는 이런 바람쯤은 아무 상관없이 흔들림이 없었죠. 하지만 갈대는 이 바람을 이기기가 힘들었어요. 떡갈나무는 갈대에게 얘기했죠. “너는 왜 그렇게 정신없이 흔들거리는 거냐?” “그거야 제가 당신보다 약하니깐 그렇지요.” 떡갈나무는 자신이 자랑스러웠어요. “그렇겠지. 내가 당연히 너보다 힘이 세지.” 그러던 어느 날 폭풍이 숲에 몰아쳤어요. 떡갈나무는 바람에 맞서려고 노력했지만 결국 바람에 의해 허리 윗부분이 꺾여나갔어요. 그런데 갈대는 이리저리 몸을 흔들 뿐 뽑히거나 부러지지 않는 것이었어요. 바람이 멎은 후 떡갈나무는 갈대에게 비결을 물어보았고 갈대가 대답했어요. “분명 저는 당신보다 약하지만, 저는 약하거나 강하거나 무조건 비켜주고 양보한 것뿐이죠.” ​ 

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